On regret… (as inspired by Lucille Ball)

This morning the following Lucille Ball quote came into my inbox. And it got me thinking about regret…

Inner Creative Blog - "On regret..." innercreative.com.au

I try to live my life without regret.
This might mean speaking up to ask a question. Drawing a line in the sand and taking a stand for something I believe in. Accepting an invitation even when I’m nervous about going. Sharing an image online of something I’ve created. Giving my kids a kiss at the school gate. Having a hard discussion to clear the air. Asking for something. The list is endless.
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Back story for Castle in the Sky Workshop 2016

Are you tired of not getting the results you’re after?
Do you feel like you’re treading water in your business rather than creating a real difference out there?

Do you want more for your business in 2016/17?

I believe that you can run your business with a focus and drive towards success in a way that also reflects your personal style, passion and values.

This belief underpins why I created the Castle in the Sky Visual Plan.  But primarily I did it to fix one of my own problems. Let me tell you the story of how it came about, the results it created for me, and more importantly how you can also create one for your business this coming financial year.