Creative Inspiration – What makes you come alive?

Creativity involves expressing who you are and doing what you love.
I truly believe this. And that is why I used the following Harold Thurman quote to sum up what I hoped participants would take away from my recent Rediscover Your Creativity class.

Inner Creative - creative inspiration - creativity quote from Harold Thurman - because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

If you want to take the path towards finding your creativity, then follow your heart and work out what brings you joy.

This may seem quite simple, but in reality it may be quite hard. We’re not used to giving ourselves permission to take a little time out, to stop doing all the ‘shoulds’, and constantly working to check off our ‘to do’ lists.

It’s also hard not to worry about what others might think or say. This may be especially tricky, if we love doing something that we fear others might think is ‘uncool’ or a waste of time. But everyone is different, with their own particular interests, gifts and tastes. The key is to find out what makes you come alive. Not anyone else.

So what do you love doing? When does time just seem to fly? Are there particular activities that you keep getting drawn to or volunteer for? Are there skills that you want to improve or things that you want to learn more about for  your own satisfaction (and not the plaque on the wall)? If you had all the time and/or money in the world, what would you love to do?

What makes you come alive?

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