Creative Inspiration-Wishes for a Creative New Year

Happy New Year!

I found this quote by Neil Gaiman and just had to share it with you. It sums up my wishes for you this year. May you live a more creative life this year and find many ways to express your uniqueness and “live as only you can”.

Creative Inspiration-Wishes for a creative new year from Inner Creative. Neil Gaiman quote May your coming year...

I love this time of year. There’s a sense of possibility. We can allow ourselves to dream and imagine ‘what if?’ What if I took the plunge to turn my idea into something real? What if I finally went on that big holiday adventure? What if I made some more space and time to do things that I love? 

But there’s also danger that these dreams can stay just that, especially when ‘real life’ kicks in. So first, we need to be clear and know exactly what we’re aiming for: what is our vision? What would you like your 2015 to look like? What is your creative dream? What things would you like to do? Where would you like to go? How would you like to feel?

How you express and capture this vision is up to you. You can write a statement that describes what you want; have a list of goals or new year’s resolutions; find a word that sums up the overall feeling or intention that you are looking for; or as I prefer, create a vision board that taps into our right brain’s love of imagery and the magic of the sub-conscious.

Creating a vision for your year can be fun. It can also give you something to focus on and guide your decision making throughout the year. Whatever form you decide on, make sure that you display it where you will see it often to motivate and inspire you to take action. Because at the end of the day, one needs to start taking action towards this vision. You need to break down your vision into manageable and realistic steps and turn your vision into reality.

If you’re in need of some visioning inspiration, or want help in turning your vision into action, then please go to my Visioning Your 2015 page for more information about my upcoming Workshop in early 2015. While you’re there you can sign up for my new Visioning Inspiration email list, where you can get more tips on visioning, vision board inspiration, and workshop updates. It also comes with a FREE Reflections on 2014 workbook that will start you off on your visioning journey.

So Happy Visioning Your 2015!
What creative wish do you have for yourself in 2015?

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