Mandala Inspiration – ‘Extend’ for the Heart Chakra

Welcome to this week’s Mandala Inspiration called “Extend”.

This mandala is another inspired by the chakra energy series – the Heart Chakra. This chakra is located in the centre of the chest near the heart. This chakra is associated with love, compassion, joy, and happiness.

Inner Creative - Mandala Inspiration called "Extend". Click to see its supporting message.

The Heart Chakra Mandala’s message of inspiration:

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Mandala Inspiration – ‘Creating Flow’ for the Sacral Chakra

Welcome to another Inspiration Mandala, which is titled “Creating Flow”.

This week’s Inspiration Mandala continues on a previous theme of the Chakra energy system. This mandala relates to the Sacral Chakra. This Chakra is located below the naval around our reproductive area. It is associated with creativity, pleasure, sexuality, energy, and movement.

Inner Creative - Mandala Inspiration called "Creating Flow". Click to see its supporting message.

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