Workshop: Want to be more creative but don’t know where to start?

Inner Creative Rediscover Your Creativity course October 29 2104 Phoenix Park Neighbourhood House Want to be more creative but doubt that you’ve got it in you? Or wouldn’t have a clue about where to start? Deep down everyone is creative. It’s just a matter of finding out what this means for you. For some, it might be an artistic pursuit, like painting or drawing. But you can also be creative when you’re cooking, gardening or even in the way you present a report at work. It’s about working out what’s right for you and your life right now. So are you interested in:

  • working out the many ways that you are creative?
  • learning simple ways to spark your creativity and get more inspired?
  • finding out how to overcome creative blockers and doubts?
  • living a more creative life and creating good creativity habits?

You are? Then join me at the Phoenix Park Neighbourhood House for a five week course to Rediscover Your Creativity, starting Wednesday 29 October. Call 03 9530 4397 to book. Hope to see you there.