What would you do with your windfall? A creative visioning exercise

What would you do if you won 35 million dollars in the lottery?

Or if you’ve seen ‘Loot’ starring Maya Rudolph on ‘Apple TV+‘, what would you do if you suddenly had $87 billion at your disposal (although there is significantly different emotional baggage associated with receiving this money through a divorce settlement)?

Inner Creative Blog Post - What would you do with your windfall? A creative visioning exercise

The actual dollar amount is immaterial. In fact, whether or not the scenario is extremely realistic is not relevant either. The essential question behind this scenario is:

What would you do with your work and life if money was not a significant factor?
How would your life be different?

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How to create a vision board that works

Have you heard of making a vision board before?

Inner Creative Blog - How to create a vision board that works - innercreative.com.au

If you’re looking for instructions on how to create a vision board where you slap a picture of a car onto a piece of paper, hang it onto your wall, and then cross yourfingers that this car will magically drive into your driveway the next day, then this this blog is not for you.

On the other hand, read on if you’re interested in learning how you can use magazine images and collage to tap into your creativity and intuition to create a vision for your life or business that helps you: 
  • claim what you want from life or business
  • shape your direction and goals
  • smile and make your heart sing
  • fuel your motivation and remind you of where you want to go.
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Getting something extraordinary OR “How to avoid only finding the obvious solution by using conventional problem solving techniques”

Has there been a time when you know you want something different, but you don’t know exactly what it is?

Or you want to solve a problem, but you know you won’t get a different result if you use the same approach you’ve always taken?

Basically, instead of boring and ordinary – you want different.
You want something extraordinary.

Inner Creative Blog on Getting something extraordinary OR How to avoid only getting the obvious solutions by using conventional problem solving techniques. innercreative.com.au

These are the same expectations that I bring to my own work.
For instance, as an entrepreneur, I grapple with how I define success for myself (there’s no performance review checklist that’s already been created for me by ‘the powers that be’).​

So using a conventional, logical way of creating my definition of success, I’d sit down with my beverage of choice and list all the ways that I measure success and answer “How do I know that I’m successful?” But instead I decided to do this… ​ Continue reading

How are you going to live your big dream today?

With the start of a new year there’s lot of talk about resolutions, setting goals and dreaming of the future.

I think that it’s important to dream, explore the possibilities, and imagine what could happen. We need something to aim for, inspire us, and to help us work out which way to go and what choices to make. But sometimes our dreams can feel a little too big, almost impossible. Some may tell you to give up on your ‘fantasy’, or to translate it into something more realistic and manageable.

I say ‘ Dream big, step small.’ We need to stretch ourselves and our possibilities And we can’t do that if we’re staying small and in the realm of tangible fact and our current day reality. So, go for it! Dream big, step small.
Dream big, step small. Natalia Walker quote. Inner Creative.

So you might think that the rest of this blog might be about how to work backwards from your big dream and chunk it down into smaller steps that you can slowly work through towards your dream. And that’s a totally valid and sensible way of going about it. However, I’m going to talk about how to go even smaller, and to think about what you can do today: how are you going to live your big dream today? Continue reading

Planning Tool – Stop, Start, Continue. Part 2.

Creating a vision for the year ahead (or for a new project) is always fun. But before you can start to work out what you want, it’s good to think about where you came from.

In the previous blog (Part 1), we introduced the Stop, Start, Continue tool (the 3 questions):

  • What do I want to stop?Inner Creative Planning Tool: Stop Start Continue. Part 2
  • What do I want to start?
  • What do I want to continue?

We also covered how to pick the topic to focus your questions on. You can use this tool in any personal, work or business context, from creating your vision for the year ahead to reviewing your business plan. This tool is useful for anything that you would like to change, or a problem that needs exploring.

In this blog, we’ll be unpicking those 3 questions a little more, and expanding on them so you can work out what you need to do to make and support your changes. Continue reading