Image: Zaharoula Harris, Corporate Headshots Melbourne
Hi! My name is Natalia.
Inner Creative was born when I realised that there was a side to life that I was missing out on. Yeah, I had a nice life with a steady job, a good family with all the necessary trimmings. But life was blah. I wanted to feel passion and colour. I wanted to have the life and career of my dreams.
I enrolled myself into an art class. And no, I didn’t turn into the latest Da Vinci or Picasso. But I did discover that when I was painting that everything around me went still, and I could just focus on the simple pleasure of being myself and expressing myself, just as I was. This was just the beginning of my creative awakening, as I started enrolling into other art courses, including mandalas.
I then began to look back to all the times when I felt happiest and most alive. I remembered how when I was young I loved to make collages out of old magazines, draw houses and then make up stories about the people who lived in them. That everyday as a teenager I used to put on some music and just dance along, never minding what I looked like. Making things with my hands, creating worlds with my imagination, and expressing my self through music and movement was what I loved to do.
But how had I let it all slip away? I know. I grew up. I had to get a real job. So, I studied Engineering to get a good solid career, with an Arts Degree in visual arts and literature on the side for fun (didn’t I spot the clue?).
I entered the world of having a career, making money and creating a home: doing sensible stuff. I also ended up working in strategic planning and project development for government. I got a Masters of Social Science (Environment and Planning).
Over time I found that I continually gravitated to working on projects that involved bringing people together from different perspectives and creating a shared way forward. I was intrigued by how our brains work and how creative tools, like mind mapping and LEGO Serious Play, could be used to see the bigger picture, trigger insight, and help join the dots. I found that by tapping into our inner creativity we could get a clearer, more holistic plan for action that everyone could agree to.
And so I ended up here: creating a business where I get to pass on all that I’ve learned along the way; which included adding a training qualification to my tool belt, as well as becoming a certified LEGO Serious Play Facilitator, and learning how to teach others how to create mandalas.
I now get to live my big creative dream.
I get to help others, like yourself, tap into your Inner Creative, to reconnect with your creative dreams, and to infuse your creativity into everything you do in your life and work. Because when you’re creative, it just makes everything else so much better in life.