- Would you like to feel more in control and less pressured about what needs to get done on your ‘to do’ list?
- Are you tired of feeling like you’re navigating your work or business on your own?
- Do you wish you had a little more energy and inspirational spark when you work?
- Have you wondered about what it would be like to ease away from the grindstone and enjoy your work, without being afraid that you’ll become slack and not get anything done?
- Would you like a kind and supportive space where you’ve got someone there, keenly interested in you, about what you’re going through and where you want to go?
If so, I’d love to work with you through my Clarity and Accountability Package.
Over 3 months, have me as your accountability partner to make sure that you move towards your goals without you feeling the need to force or ‘should’ on yourself.
I don’t tell you what to do. Rather I listen to what’s important to you and help you find a way forward that works for you, based on your own unique circumstances, strengths and preferences.

Our sessions are based around creative tools, like LEGO®, drawing and journalling, to help you tap into your own inner wisdom and see solutions from a different perspective. Plus you’ll have access to online co-working workshops, PSYCH-K® belief change sessions and other supportive tools, as well a personally selected monthly Mandala Inspiration print that’s tailored to your specific situation and acts as a touchstone as you move through each month.
“The mandalas are wonderful for me
and provide a gentle and positive nudge
rather than making me feel like there’s all this stuff I have to do.”

You don’t need to do business on your own. And you don’t have to do it all someone else’s way either.
When others believe in you, it’s easier for you to believe in yourself too. I hold a vision of what you’re wanting – and reflect it back to you as we work together.
What does an accountability session typically look like?
Before each session I will send you a reflections sheet based on my signature ‘word mandala’ process. This helps you see how far you’ve come as well as what you’d like more of moving forward.
During our accountability session, we’ll talk about your progress and the insights that you’ve had. Then, we will focus on a particular issue that you’ve identified through your reflection sheet or previous sessions with me. I will take you through a creative process like drawing or LEGO® Serious Play (if you have your own LEGO® on hand) to help you explore your issue and uncover insights that will help you work out the next best steps to take.
The colourful, tactile nature of using LEGO® or drawing brings out our visual and kinaesthetic thinking strengths and harnesses our right brain holistic, big picture and expansive thinking. Plus when we externally represent and verbalise what’s going on in our mind, it’s easier to get to the heart of the matter and have a fresh perspective that leads to further insight.
We will wrap up with a Working Document that captures:
- Actions to follow up
- Self-care and workplace routines and practices to keep in mind
- Things to explore and trial
- Expectations and beliefs to observe and notice
This package includes more than just accountability and managing your ‘to do’ list.
We can have all the grand plans and intentions in the world, but if somewhere deep down we don’t believe that it’s possible or we don’t deserve it, then it reduces our chances of accomplishing it. Also, we can unintentionally limit ourselves because we have unconscious assumptions about what is possible or beliefs that business has to be done in a certain way.
That’s why I also include in every Accountability and Support Package at least one 1on1 PSYCH-K® session that is designed to transform subconscious self-limiting beliefs. It’s a process originated by Robert M. Williams, M.A. and highly recommended by Dr Bruce Lipton PhD (author of “The Biology of Belief”). PSYCH-K® works by reducing stress and resistance to your desired beliefs and goals by creating a more relaxed ‘Whole-Brain’ state and thus potential to achieve your desired goal. Without the previous internal resistance, it’s then easier for you to take action that supports and embeds those desired beliefs into your daily work and life.
It’s useful to be aware of our thought patterns, especially whenever we get frustrated, face an obstacle in moving towards our goals or ‘fall off the wagon’ in creating new habits. Another benefit from our 1on1 sessions is having me there, listening and noticing whenever these types of assumptions and beliefs come up in conversation. Together we can work out simple and supportive strategies to create sustainable change and build evidence that supports the mindset shifts that you’re after.
There are three levels of Clarity and Accountability Support to pick from.
The Essentials – Bronze

Over 3 months at Bronze Level you’ll receive:
- an initial 1.5hr Mapping Session (online) to give you immediate relief, review your current situation, set your 3 month objective and identify some quick wins and next steps
- three 1.5hr Accountability Sessions (online) where we’ll review your progress, uncover any obstacles, and keep you on track towards your objective
- monthly reflection sheets tailored around your goals to prepare for each accountability session
- one 75min PSYCH-K® session designed to transform your subconscious self-limiting beliefs and up-level your mindset to what you desire
- at least three Mandala Inspiration A5 or A4 prints intuitively selected each month by Natalia specifically for you based on their message and theme
- tailor-made worksheets to support you to be more productive and create change, designed in a way that enables you to tap into your creativity and inner wisdom
- the Procrastination Buster Handbook ebook and tip sheet of 33 tips to help you overcome procrastination and resistance to starting on your ‘to do’ list
- the Happy Hearts Care Card Deck (or equivalent if you already have it) for inspiring self-care prompts and reminders
Your Total Investment for the Essentials Package: $1450 (no GST)
or $242 of 6 fortnightly instalments
The Happy Medium – Silver

Over 3 months at Silver Level you’ll receive:
- everything in The Essentials Package
PLUS - Your Fresh Start 12 Week Planner with extra onboarding support to help you manage your weekly, monthly and day-to-day ‘to do’ lists while tracking your habits and working towards your quarterly and yearly goals
- “Calm and Focused Start” and “Letting Go” Meditation Audio Downloads
- Access to the ‘Get Unstuck’ process (worksheets and video) to help you overcome procrastination and any moments of self-doubt or a rampant inner critic so that you can start moving forward again
- a further 1hr PSYCH-K® belief change session within the 3 months to help you pinpoint and release any blocks or self-sabotages that arise during the time we spend together (so this means that you’ll have two sessions in total over the 3 month period)
Your Total Investment for The Happy Medium Package : $1760 (no GST)
or $294 of 6 fortnightly instalments
All the bells and whistles – Gold

Over 3 months at Gold Level you’ll receive:
- everything in The Happy Medium Package
PLUS - weekly priority setting and follow up check-ins via email
- at least three Heart Affirmation phone wallpapers that match the Mandala Inspiration themes intuitively selected each month by Natalia specifically for you
- an extra 1hr PSYCH-K® facilitated session designed to transform any other self-limiting beliefs that you subsequently become aware of as we work together (so you’ll get 3 sessions in total over the three months to get a regular mindset tune up)
Your Total Investment for All the Extras Package : $2390
or $399 of 6 fortnightly instalments
Contact me to express your interest or schedule a complementary 20 minute consultation where we can chat to get to know each other, learn more about what you’re wanting and find out if we’re a good fit. I’d love to learn more about you and how I can support you best.
More about me – Natalia Walker

I know what it’s like to run oneself ragged doing all the things. I’m a recovering perfectionist and Type A personality. I set all the goals and worked really hard to make things happen. But no matter what I achieved, nothing was ever good enough. Failure or saying ‘no’ was never an option.
I kept shifting the goal posts on myself, demanding more. My self-talk ticker tape was on constant repeat that I should be doing more, doing better. And then after a series of major life events, I got tired of living and working this way.
I now use a kinder and gentler approach to getting things done. I make sure to be clear about my intentions first so that I’m already vetting what gets onto my ‘to do’ list. I use my more than 20 years of strategic planning experience in a way that capitalises on my visual and kinaesthetic thinking strengths. I also trust my own body and energy levels to guide me on what to do next. Because funnily enough when I do things that I enjoy and make me feel better, I do better. Self-care is not just something that I pay lip service to any more (especially after the recent years we’ve had). I have learnt that when I fill up my tank I have more to give to my business, my clients and others.
I see myself as a lantern bearer, a believing mirror and permission slip.
I shine a light so that people can see where their heart is calling them. I do not tell people what to do nor give them cookie cutter strategies. I want people to connect to their own inner wisdom and creativity before taking action. I am also good at seeing people’s strengths and potential, as well as their ability to fulfil their heart’s desires (and reflect this back to them like a mirror). I support my clients to follow their hearts and their dreams. Sometimes it’s like they’re waiting for some form of permission and just need someone, like me, to believe in them and their abilities before taking action.
I’d love to shine that light and hold a space for you to create a work and life that feels more like you, plays to your strengths and supports your values and lifestyle.
Want to learn more about what it would be like to work with me?
You have a couple of options:
1. Schedule a 1on1 75min PSYCH-K® online session to reduce stress about any issue or challenge that your facing. I will take you through a left-right brain integration process to transform your perception of the issue, disover new insights and release any stress that you feel about it, so that afterwards you’re able to easily take action towards your desired goal without any resistance. (And then get $95 back if you subsequently join any Clarity and Accountability Support Package).
2. Schedule a complementary 20 minute consultation where we can chat to get to know each other better, learn more about what you’re wanting, and find out if we’re a good fit. I’d love to learn more about you and how I can support you best.
Do I need to be creative or artistic to get a lot of value out of these sessions?
You don’t need to worry about being ‘creative’ nor artistic to get value out of my processes. It’s more important that you are open and willing to give things a go. In any case, I believe that everyone is creative – we just express it in different ways and to different degrees. We can all access different modes of thinking. We just might have a preference, like left or right-handedness. During our sessions, I’ll guide you through easy and accessible processes that help you tap into your more creative and intuitive thinking. I am constantly blown away by my clients’ positive responses to these processes and how many valuable insights they’ve been able to discover.
Do I need to have LEGO® for the Accountability sessions? If so, how much?
LEGO® is not essential. It’s your choice whether you’d like to experience LEGO® Serious Play during our sessions. In which case, you will need to supply your own LEGO®. But please don’t stress. You don’t need a lot of LEGO® to get value out of the process. You only need around a small ice-cream container size of at least 20 general pieces and ideally 1 mini-figure (although this figure is not mandatory as you can build substitutes). A baseplate is also helpful, but not essential if you have a flat surface to build on. Some of my clients have borrowed LEGO® from neighbours or friends for the session (as long as they don’t mind you pulling things apart 🙂 ).
If you do not want to use LEGO® Serious Play, then our session will involve drawing or my word mandala and journalling processes. For this you only need blank paper and ideally some different coloured pens, markers or pencils. In any case, I will also provide you with worksheets that you can use to create change or build on your insights and takeaways from our sessions.
Is your Mandala Inspiration selection like a tarot or oracle card reading?
At the start of each month, you’ll receive an A4 or A5 Mandala Inspiration print from my collection. I tap into my intuition to select a Mandala Inspiration image and message that is specifically related to the coming month’s energy for you. It’s more like a theme or something to keep in mind as you go about your month. It’s not a horoscope nor prediction about something that will happen. You won’t be getting lucky lotto numbers nor hard and fast directives about what you should be doing. In the end, the responsibility lies with you. You are the captain steering your life. I help you with prompts and reminders to consider and keep in mind along the way to give you a smoother ride.
Got any more questions?
Please contact me via the email form or book in a complementary 20 minute consultation where we can chat about what you need and if and how I can best support you in reaching your goals. I’d really love to be able to cheer you on.