What do you want for your life, work or business?
Don’t know? Not sure?

Or you know, but you’re so overwhelmed by your day-to-day workload that all you end up doing is putting out spot fires and feel like you’re missing out on all those opportunities that could take your life or business to the next level.
Are you ready to make a change?
Create a kinder, easier way of working for yourself. Cut to the chase and click on the button below to see how you can work 1on1 with Natalia below:
Want to book Natalia for your team or organisation? Read here instead.

Imagine waking up every day feeling confident that you know exactly where you’re heading.
You know what’s important to you. You feel great knowing that what you do makes a difference out there in the world. You feel ready to take on your day because you are super clear about what you have to get done that day. You can start your day with a plan, and if anything pops up out of the blue you can quickly and easily decide how to correct your course.
It’s never too late to press the reset button, to start afresh and get the clarity and focus you (and your team) need to make your business dream real.
Being clear about who you are and what you want means that you can be more focused in taking action and more likely to get the success and results you’re after.

Natalia Walker of Inner Creative is here to help you make sense of the chaos and move your life, work or business forward in a fresh and engaging way.
And don’t worry it doesn’t mean endless hours in front of a whiteboard or computer filling out boring planning templates. In fact, working with bullet points and lists uses the linear, logical side of your brain so you are not going to get the big visionary ideas that you’re after.
With Inner Creative, you get to tap into your creativity to inspire a vision and direction that works for you.
You’ll be using LEGO, drawing, collage or story to tap into your imagination: your big picture, intuitive thinking. It’s gets you engaged and more open to seeing different perspectives and opportunities. Once you’re armed with a clear picture for the future it’s a lot easier to work out the nitty gritty, practical steps that will give you a straightforward plan to help you reach you big business dream.
Natalia provides an opportunity to deal with issues and ideas which have been placed in the ‘too hard basket’. We wanted to build a coherent strategy and ‘step up’ as an organisation. So it was rewarding to watch the group in the workshop being empowered and engaged to develop workable solutions. Working with Natalia has helped the committee to take that next step in strategy development and move the process forward.
~ Sophie Stonnington Toy Library
Are you ready to dream big?
Contact Natalia to work out how Inner Creative can best help you move towards your big business dream.
More about me – Natalia Walker

I know what it’s like to run oneself ragged doing all the things. I’m a recovering perfectionist and Type A personality. I set all the goals and worked really hard to make things happen. But no matter what I achieved, nothing was ever good enough. Failure or saying ‘no’ was never an option.
I kept shifting the goal posts on myself, demanding more. My self-talk ticker tape was on constant repeat that I should be doing more, doing better. And then after a series of major life events, I got tired of living and working this way.
I now use a kinder and gentler approach to getting things done. I make sure to be clear about my intentions first so that I’m already vetting what gets onto my ‘to do’ list. I use my 20 years of strategic planning experience but in a way to capitalises on my visual and kinaesthetic thinking strengths. I also trust my own body and energy levels to guide me on what to do next. Because funnily enough when I do things that I enjoy and make me feel better, I do better. Self-care is not just something that I pay lip service to any more (especially after the recent years we’ve had). I have learnt that when I fill up my tank I have more to give to my business, my clients and others.
I see myself as a lantern bearer, a believing mirror and permission slip.
I shine a light so that people can see where their heart is calling them. I do not tell people what to do nor give them cookie cutter strategies. I want people to connect to their own inner wisdom and creativity before taking action. I am also good at seeing people’s strengths and potential, as well as their ability to fulfil their heart’s desires (and reflect this back to them like a mirror). I support people to follow their hearts and their dreams. Sometimes they are waiting for some sort of permission and just need someone, like me, to believe in them and their abilities before taking action.
I’d love to shine that light and hold a space for you to create a work and life that feels more like you, plays to your strengths and supports your values and lifestyle.
Want to learn more about what it would be like to work with me?
You have a few options:
1. Set up a 1hr 1on1 Breakthrough Brainstorming Session to tackle an important task or project that you’re avoiding or procrastinating on. You’ll leave with less stress, a fresh perspective, feeling ‘I’ve got this!’ and knowing exactly what to do next. (Get $55 back if you subsequently join a Clarity and Accountability Support Package).
2. Book a 75min Transform Stress and Thinking Patterns using PSYCH-K® to remove any blocks around your goals, transform stress around a particular situation, or discover insights underlying a condition or situation that keeps repeating itself. (Get $55 back if you subsequently join a Clarity and Accountability Support Package).
3. Schedule a complementary 20 minute consultation where we can chat to get to know each other better, learn more about what you’re wanting, and find out if we’re a good fit. I’d love to learn more about you and how I can support you best.
It’s never too late to work out how to get to where you want to be.
Sign up to find out more about other business planning workshops and support (it comes with the free Harness Your Creativity Characteristics e-book to help you be more creative based on how you like to work).
Also check out the following links if you’re interested in finding out more about some of Inner Creative’s planning tools and approaches. Happy reading!

Step into your potential. Do your work or run your business based on your personal style, passion and values.
Contact Natalia to work out how Inner Creative can best move you towards success.
Or sign up to find out more about the upcoming Business Planning Workshops and other support, plus the FREE Harness Your Creative Characteristics e-book to work out which characteristics you can harness better to unlock your creativity.