On 9 April, I was spoke with Naishadh Gadani from Your Career Down Under about “Creative Ways to Set Good Habits” on the LinkedIn Live show that he usually co-hosts with Karalyn Brown from interviewiq.
Please watch the replay below.

We talked about some easy ways to get started and build a habit. And I shared my version of the SMART goals acronym that is equally useful in creating a lasting habit.
I especially loved our discussion about needing to be kind to ourselves and being willing to be show up for ourselves in whatever practice and habit we’re trying to create– especially when we ‘break the chain’ and fall off the habit wagon.
If you’re interested in learning more about the creative products and projects I talked about you can find them here:
- Happy Hearts Care Range
- 30 Day Mandala Play Adventure
- Mandala Inspiration Monthly Pack – This product is no longer available. The Intuitive Mandala Inspiration Card Pick is very similar.
- Your Fresh Start 12 Week Planner
- Inspiration Space
- Blog – Creativity tips – How limits can be good for your creativity
- Blog – The Secret to Delivering Your Promises and Goals where I talk about different ways to get accountability and ‘don’t break the chain’ a la Seinfeld.
And while I didn’t mention it specifically in our discussion, you may be interested in the Procrastination Buster Handbook that has 33 tips that you can use to overcome any resistance you have to start a habit or creative project
Here’s to making that start and showing up as much as we can.