Upcoming Inner Creative Events

Brava Women Networking IN PERSON Festive Season Celebration – Brighton
This event has already run but here’s an outline and photos from the event.

Finish the festive season feeling more confident and focused for 2025.
* After networking, join Natalia as she takes you through a creative process to release 2024 and set a clear focus for your business in 2025.
We’ll also delve into the foundational beliefs you need to support and strengthen your 2025 business direction.
By the end of the session, you’ll have a focus word for 2025, a creative reminder to keep you on track, and at least one action to move you towards it.

Event Details:
12:00 pm 2:55 pm, Tuesday 10 December 2024
The Deck Brighton, 212 Bay Street, Brighton
This event has already run. Here are official event photos taken by Francine Schaepper.

Don’t want to miss an event?
Check back here for updates or subscribe to the Inner Creative mailing list to be the first to know more.

Get in touch if you’re interested in inviting Natalia to run a workshop for your team or speak at your future event. Natalia loves presenting on all things creativity, self-care, goal setting, overcoming procrastination, how to realise your greatest potential and overcome the limiting beliefs blocking your success.

Also check out the LEGO® Serious Play Team Building Experiences page to learn more about how Natalia can help you get the best out of your team with an engaging and insightful LEGO® Serious Play session focused on your individual and team strengths.
It’s something fun to do, while bringing people together to share and learn about their strengths. Team building without the eye rolling :-).

Previous Recorded Events
What’s holding you back from creating the life that you want? – November 2023

Whatever it is, it’s not a direct reflection of who you are. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re not lazy, bad, lacking drive, nor undeserving in any way.
It’s most likely that there’s a hidden limiting belief that’s fuelling any self-sabotaging ways.
Watch Natalia’s 15 Nov 2023 presentation at Brava’s Wise Women Wednesday where she helps you:
- identify what’s been holding you back
- learn 5 strategies to deal with procrastination
- discover a way to transform stress and limiting thinking patterns.
Come with a particular area in your work or life that keeps frustrating you and you’d like some more traction on. By the end of the session, you’ll have a clearer path forward.
Scroll down to watch Natalia’s previous Brava presentation that she refers to in this presentation, where she talks about ‘How to Overcome Stubborn Procrastination and Blocks to Your Success’ in more detail.
The Gifts of Creativity – Quiet Warrior Podcast Episode
If you’re looking for permission to get more creative, have more fun, be playful, and follow your joy – this is it!
The latest Quiet Warrior Podcast Episode dropped this week featuring my chat with Serena Low about “The Gifts of Creativity”.

Serena is an amazing coach who helps introverts and quiet achievers grow into Quiet Warriors.
I am a huge fan of Serena’s work. She exudes a quiet calm and feeling of zen around her.
Even though I’m an extravert and find it hard to stop talking once I start :-), I find Serena’s words of wisdom still very helpful. Because at the heart of her work, she’s all about self-acceptance and compassion – recognising our strengths and rather than bending ourselves to fit into the outside world, finding ways to be courageous in expressing our true selves. And we can all benefit from this approach no matter where we get our energy from (ie. introversion or extraversion).
Also, if you’re on a journey to reconnect with your creativity and intuition, we benefit from going within and being in a quiet and reflective mind space that’s open, kind and non-judgemental.
In this podcast, we talk about many things about creativity: the importance of how we see ourselves, tips to help us open up our creativity, and how to create a safe space for us to create and share our efforts.
Click on the image above, the button below or search for it on your favourite podcast app to listen along.
How to Overcome Stubborn Procrastination and Blocks to Your Success – May 2023

One of the ways we can block ourselves is through procrastination. And that’s ok. We’ve all been there at some point. Sometimes all it takes is a shift in our perspective.
In her Brava presentation, Natalia will help you discover what’s been holding you back and how you can move through it.
Watch to learn a quick and easy method to get you started on any task, as well as 5 different strategies to address procrastination.
The Movement and Mindfulness Podcast with Erica Webb
Episode 108: Doubly Smart Goals
Need a little inspiration around your goal setting?
Not achieving what you’d like for yourself?
Then listen to this fun and engaging podcast where I speak with Erica from Erica Webb Yoga and Pilates. We talk about how to set and work towards your goals in a way that is kinder, more sustainable and hence more achievable. I also introduce my take on the SMART goal setting framework. So much fun!

Here’s Erica’s overview:
Today I’m welcoming Natalia Walker from Inner Creative to The Movement and Mindfulness Podcast to talk all about unlocking our inspiration and the ‘doubly smart’ approach to setting goals that make us happy.
What really excited me about my conversation with Natalia was her approach to goal-setting that centers self-care around the goals themselves, rather than the traditional techniques that often rely on (or result in) push, punishment, guilt and shame.
Specifically, Natalia shares with us her unique take on SMART goal setting (it’s not what you think and Natalia’s take on this is INSPIRING!) and how ensuring that we are supported (internally and externally) in our pursuit of what makes us happy is vital in the process. Natalia shares:
- why self-kindness doesn’t equate to laziness
- why knowing what makes us happy is important (but maybe also not immediately obvious)
- the importance of starting small when it comes to moving toward our goals
- the role of creating a ‘container’ to support our goal pursuits
- how we can work with our ‘resistance to starting’ and her approach to failure (it’s not the end of the road)
- how we can use our body as a barometer and the importance of noticing how we feel.
All this and more! I loved chatting with Natalia and am thrilled to share this conversation with you.
Listen to Episode 108 of The Movement and Mindfulness Podcast or wherever you find your podcast favourites.
It was so much fun! We could have kept talking for ages! I hope that you enjoy listening to it too.
No More Excuses – Weekly Facebook Live with Suzanne Culberg
In 2021 I and Suzanne Culberg went LIVE on Facebook each week where we talked about how to overcome the things that hold us back from taking action and creating habits towards the life we desire. We alternated each week between our Facebook pages. Find out more at @innercreativeconsulting and @suzanneculberg.
In this No More Excuses episode from 6 October 2021, we talked about handling setbacks. I did a Show and Tell about the history of my Mandala Inspirations. I shared how I endured many setbacks that helped to evolve my process, my mandala offering, and ultimately led to the creation of my Happy Hearts Care range.
Other Previous Topics include:
- When You’re Stuck in a Rut (29 Sept 2021)
- You’ve reached your goal now what? (22 Sept 2021)
- Finishing what you start (15 Sept 2021)
- How to prioritise your emotional well-being (8 Sept 2021)
- Resistance to Starting (1 Sept 2021)
- Making changes simple (even when it’s not easy) (25 Aug 2021)
- How to fail forward (18 Aug 2021)
- Transform your chaos into progress with Belinda White from evoxly (11 Aug 2021)
- Perfectionist? How to stop being your worst enemy (4 Aug 2021)
- Instant Gratification and long term success (28 July 2021)
- Movement and Exercise as Self-Kindness with Erica Webb from Erica Webb Yoga and Pilates (21 Jul 2021)
- It’s about the journey, not the destination (14 July 2021)
- Having trouble setting boundaries in your life? (28 April 2021)
- Turn people pleasing into a superpower (21 April 2021)
Creative Ways to Set Good Habits – 9 April 2021
It’s always fun to chat to Naishadh Gadani. I’m grateful to Naishadh and Karalyn Brown for inviting me to talk about “Creative Ways to Set Good Habits” onto their thought provoking LinkedIn Live show.
If you didn’t catch us live then watch the replay here.

We talked about some easy ways to get started and build a habit. And I shared my version of the SMART goals acronym that is equally useful in creating a lasting habit.
I especially loved our discussion about needing to be kind to ourselves and being willing to be show up for ourselves in whatever practice and habit we’re trying to create – especially when we ‘break the chain’ and fall off the habit wagon.
If you’re interested in learning more about the creative products and projects I talked about you can find them here:
- Happy Hearts Care Range
- 30 Day Mandala Play Adventure
- Mandala Inspiration Monthly Pack
- Your Fresh Start 12 Week Planner
- Inspiration Space
- Blog – Creativity tips – How limits can be good for your creativity
- Blog – The Secret to Delivering Your Promises and Goals where I talk about different ways to get accountability and ‘don’t break the chain’ a la Seinfeld.
And while I didn’t mention it specifically in our discussion, you may be interested in the Procrastination Buster Handbook that has 33 tips that you can use to overcome any resistance you have to start a habit or creative project
Here’s to making that start and showing up as much as we can.
How to be more positive and productive | How to feel better about yourself | Wellbeing at workplace – on Career Care Package 31 August 2020 (replay available)

Watch Natalia talk with Karalyn Brown and Naishadh Gadani about how to boost your wellbeing and productivity on the Career Care Package Live at https://youtu.be/4IDdUb2mIzM. We discuss all things self-care and run through a Wellbeing Bingo creative exercise for an easy way to boost your mood through your workday.
This Wellbeing (or Self-Care) Bingo became one of the ways that I introduced more self-care into my life. And it subsequently led to the creation of the Happy Hearts Care range. Little did I know back in August 2020 that drawing hearts would make such a positive impact on my work and the lives of others by bringing great joy and comfort, while reminding us of how deserving we are of love, happiness and care.
Finding Your Strengths in Creativity
I’m so excited to have been part of the incredible Nicol Heard of Biz Bestie’s International Womens Day video series!!!
Learn from 12 awesome everyday superwomen who are ready to share their superpowers with you to “EMPOWER” you from where you are with the skills you have right now. You can see my video at https://youtu.be/56yJ34Q5tGQ where we talk about “Finding your Strength in Creativity”.
In the interview, I talk about simple ways that you can tap into your creative, intuitive wisdom to understand what your superpower and strengths are. I got so excited about these questions and exercises, that I put them together in a Workbook for you! You can download a copy of the “What’s Your Superpower?” workbook by signing up here or clicking on the image below.

May it help you reveal and uncover your strengths and creative gifts! You can watch all of the fabulous interviews on YouTube here.
Here’s to shining your strengths!
Unlocking your hidden strengths and talents on Career Care Package Monday 27 April 2020 (Replay available via Facebook)

In this interview, Natalia walks Karalyn Brown and Naishadh Gadani through some creative exercises (also featured in the What’s Your Superpower? Workbook) to help you start to unlock your hidden strengths and talents.
Get in touch if you’re interested in inviting Natalia to run a workshop or speak at your future event. Natalia loves presenting on all things creativity, self-care, visual thinking tools, goal setting, overcoming procrastination and how to reach your greatest potential.