Just Start Something. Anything!

Inner Creative Just Start Something. Anything!

Just start.

It’s that simple. (Although maybe not that easy.)

Think of something that you’ve always dreamed of doing. Writing a book. Travelling the world. Sewing that dress. Pursue that business idea.

And then think of one small thing that you can do to head towards that dream. Write an outline. Mark up a map. Find the sewing kit sitting in the back of your cupboard. Do some internet research to find your target market. 

Now do that one thing. Make that step. Take the leap.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.


So please just start. Something. Anything! But do it today. Now even.

Otherwise that dream will only stay a dream. That blank page or canvas will stay blank. The ship will never set sail. And the world will never see your brilliance.

So here I am. Writing my very first blog.

I’ve dreamed of this day. As a little girl (long before the ‘blog’ was invented) I wanted to write a regular column for a newspaper. So here’s my chance. I’m stepping out. Taking a leap. Making the dream come true. Living the dream.

So what about you? What dream are you going to start making real today?


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