In early April 2015, I went on a Play Adventure where each day for 30 days I ‘coloured in’ a mandala colouring page (that I had previously created).
Here are all thirty designs that I created out of that one mandala colouring page. I even surprised myself by how many different and unique results I could create out of such a seemingly simple outline.

This Play Adventure was rewarding in so many ways. I introduced more play and fun into my day. I got to express myself creatively. I learnt more about the creative process and what worked for me. It also got me thinking about creative inspiration, taking risks and how ideas can flow. I learnt so much! I captured my learning in the following blogs each week:
Where it all began – Embarking on my own ‘Play Adventure’
Play Adventure Week 1– Creating a creativity habit
Play Adventure Week 2 – How limits can be good for your creativity
Play Adventure Week 3 – Facing your creative fears
Play Adventure Final Week – How to find creative inspiration
Play Adventure Insight – How ideas are like seeds
Play Adventure Insight – The secret to making a creative habit
I hope that my mandalas and insights inspire you to create a Play Adventure of your own.
What creative project would you choose to do for 30 days?
If the sound of your own Play Adventure excites you, then why not start one today?
If you’d like a copy of the mandala colouring page that I used for the 30 Day Play Adventure, sign up to the Inner Creative Mandala Mailing List and get 2 mandala colouring pages, plus other bonus creative goodies and updates.