Welcome to this week’s Mandala Inspiration called “Many Roads.”
This mandala was created over 8 days. When I started it, I had no idea of where it would take me, which is quite funny if you read the resulting message :-). My only lead was an interest in playing around with shapes. This was a nice excuse to get out my old Mathomat stencil and my Dad’s process stencil from the 1970s.

The message for the “Many Roads” mandala is:
There are many ways on the path you seek.
Do not be afraid of making a mistake.
You will get to where you need to go.
The path will become clear and reveal itself
as you make your way.
This mandala was created in June 2019 as part of my 20 Day “Make Some Day Today” project.
My only rule for this project was that I needed to spend at least 15 minutes drawing a mandala every weekday that month. You can see how the mandala evolved from its initial outline (in the top left) to the final version (bottom right).

During this 20 Day project, I didn’t have the time or patience to finish one mandala per day as I did in my 2017 30 Day Teacup Mandala project. This time, I compromised. I created a larger mandala (this one is dessert bowl size), but only had to create an outline one day and then colour it in on the following days. The main objective was for me to be drawing mandalas, not the amount that I drew. It was all about the process, not the product.
I still don’t know how this mandala got created. I found the experience difficult. It was full of uncertainty and resistance. In the end, it was my commitment to spending at least 15 minutes on it that got me through :-).
Taking small steps is definitely one of my ‘go to’ strategies to overcome my resistance (get other tips from my Procrastination Buster Handbook).
Looking for more Inner Creative mandala inspiration?
Then head over to the Mandala Inspirations Gallery or Mandala Play Adventure series (where I created a different mandala each day from the same colouring page for 30 days).
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