Has 2021 brought you everything you wanted? Or are you yearning for something better?
And when you look forward to 2022, where do you see yourself at the end of next year? Is it more of the same or do you hope that there’s something greater?
Are you feeling on track towards getting what you want?
Start next year with a more positive mindset, let go of this year’s baggage and create clarity and focus about what you want for 2022.
Inner Creative Vision Boarding Workshops are a great opportunity to break free from your current ways of thinking about your future and think bigger about yourself or your business.

- Are you feeling frustrated or disappointed with how 2021 turned out, especially after 2020 and that you didn’t get the most out of the year and you haven’t made it up yet?
- Do you wish that you’d been able to make better use of your time or prioritised it with what’s really important?
- Have you made time to reflect and let go of the past year so that you can move forward into 2022 with a clear slate?
- Would you like to take an opportunity to reset with a renewed focus?
Maybe I can be of some help?…
Come along to a fun and productive 3 hour live workshop where you’ll get all the materials plus personalised, as-we-go support to create a vision board that you’re excited about and helps you get focused for next year.
The last public Vision Boarding Workshop has been run for 2021. Please fill out this form to express your interest and preferences that Natalia can use to schedule the next one.

Don’t miss this opportunity to find the confidence and clarity you need to move forward and create the life you want.
When you are clear on your direction and have a simple focus point, you can:
- make sure that you take action that’s more strategic and productive in moving you towards your goals
- be more intentional in how you prioritise your time and energy
- make decisions easier based on your vision
- find more opportunities and be able to easily weigh them up against what you want
- quickly regroup and realign yourself if you ever feel like you’re getting off track or overwhelmed with everything on your plate.
Open up your thinking and mindset to create a vision board to help you gain clarity and focus on what you want for 2022. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to start afresh with a clean slate and reset your vision and goals.
Get clear on what you want for 2022 and beyond.
Having a vision takes the pain out of decision making and allows you to seize more opportunities, while keeping you on ‘purpose’ and on track to creating the impact and results you’re after.
If you want to:
▪ create more clarity and focus in your life
▪ find time for things that are important to you
▪ keep promises to yourself for the whole year (not just for a few weeks)
▪ finally get around to doing the things that you have put into the ‘too hard’ basket
▪ have a chance to dream a little and not feel so limited by ‘ I should’, ‘I’m supposed to’ and ‘I have to’
▪ make a fresh start and start living for you.

The last Inner Creative Vision Boarding Workshop has been run for 2021. Please fill out this form to express your interest and preferences that Natalia can use to schedule the next one (for instance, would you prefer online or in-person?).
Each participant will be provided with all of the materials required to undertake the workshop activities regardless of whether it’s delivered in person or online.
The November 2021 ticket also included a 20 minute follow up zoom call with Natalia for greater accountability, to answer any further questions and make sure that everyone gets off to the right start.
Plus participants received a follow up email series that took them through Natalia’s 4M Planning Framework to help them set up a plan for 2022 that is flexible and robust enough to deal with uncertainty and whatever life brings.
Moving Vision Boarding Online
While Natalia has been running Vision Boarding Workshops workshops in person for years now, in 2021 she started running public workshops online. Her tried and true visioning process still works with a few minor tweaks to accomodate the online environment. Everyone has safe access to all of the materials required, Natalia’s hands on experience and support, while also being in the comfort of your own environment. There’s also more flexibility in terms of taking breaks and having your coffee or tea just the way you like it :-).
Here is LinkedIn training specialist Karen Hollenbach from Think Bespoke with her vision board from the 2021 Vision Boarding Workshop held in February 2021. I loved how she was able to make it her own by putting it onto a pin-board! Another benefit of being at home meant that Karen could adapt and tailor her vision board specifically to her home decor.

Two years ago, Karen created a vision board at a Vision Boarding Party that I ran and was hosted by her friend. So she was able to contrast both in-person and online formats.
This is what Karen had to say about her recent online vision boarding experience.
Natalia is extremely dedicated to creating a meaningful experience for her workshop participants. I was particularly impressed by how she was able to adapt a vision boarding workshop that was meant to be in real life, into a virtual workshop. I loved the format and would do a virtual workshop over an in real life workshop in the future.
[If you’re thinking of working withNatalia in future], Do it! Natalia creates a safe andcreative environment. I feel I can spend sacred time with myself as part of the space she helps create for me in this virtual workshop.
Thank you Karen. This is what Karen had to say about her first experience.

Find out more about what you get out of the visioning workshop, about Natalia, FAQs, other testimonials, or contact Natalia to organise your own private vision boarding event like these.

Hi! My name is Natalia Walker. I’m passionate about empowering you to unlock your creativity and intuition through visioning, goal setting, and other business planning tools, so you can create a life or business that’s more aligned with who you are, your passion, values and aspirations.
I love creating vision boards (and have done so throughout my life). Whenever I’m starting a new project or need a fresh perspective, I take some time out to reflect and create a vision board to clarify my dreams and desires for the future. I use that vision to create a focus or theme word, set my goals, and then start taking action to make it a reality. Creating a vision board is more fun than sitting down with a goal sheet or a long list of questions to answer. I get so inspired, and at the end of it all I have something nice to put on my wall that reminds me to stay on track and not give up on what I want.
In recent years, I’ve also found that choosing a focus word or theme provides an anchor to help me stay on track and remind me of my priorities, especially when life has other plans. Last year, my focus word became my guiding light that steered me through any feelings of overwhelm or powerlessness. In fact, it became the catalyst to prioritise self-care and the subsequent creation of the Happy Hearts Care range. It’s a great combination- the vision board provides your overall direction and the focus word acts like a compass to make sure that you stay on track towards achieving what you want.
I‘ve then rounded this out by creating a 4M Planning Framework that I have used to set goals and plan during recent years of great uncertainty when we never knew what was around the corner. I’m really excited to take you through this framework after the workshop so that you’ll have a really robust plan to keep you moving towards what you want no matter what 2022 throws at you.
I can’t wait to take you through the practical visioning process that I have honed and tested for over 20 years!
So, are you interested in coming along to a 3 hour visioning session?

The three-hour Vision Boarding Workshop includes:
– a creative warm up (to get everyone in the right frame of mind and feeling of abundance and gratitude);
– a closing ritual for the past to find appreciation while also releasing anything that’s no longer serving you to move into the future with a clean slate
– making the vision board (which could be for life in general, business/career, or based on a particular theme, eg. health, relationships);
– articulating and writing up the vision (ie. we move from right-brain ‘big picture’ intuitive thinking to left-brain analytical linear thinking)
-selecting a focus word or theme that acts as a touchstone to keep you anchored and bring you back to what really matters whenever you get off track.
-identifying at least one action that can be done in the following week to move towards that vision and demonstrate your commitment to life
–a closing visualisation exercise to get into alignment with what you want and anchor the feelings and desires you want into the future
–a follow up email series that helps you get the most out of your vision board and set up a plan for 2022 that is flexible and robust enough to help you deal with uncertainty and whatever life throws at you.
Plus a one-on-one 20 minute follow up zoom call with Natalia in the weeks following the workshop for greater accountability, to answer any further questions you may have and make sure that you get off to the good start.

At the end of the workshop you will have:
- an inspiring vision board that reminds you of your goals and intentions, brings you joy, and motivates you every time you look at it
- a touchstone focus word to keep yourself focused and bring you back to what matters when things get rocky
- a feeling of “I’ve got this”, greater clarity, and a renewed focus for the year ahead (no matter what life throws at you)
- the next steps to take you closer to your vision
- the chance to reflect on the past and find closure
- a better chance to feel greater satisfaction and joy at the end of next year as you look back on all that you have accomplished.

Does the idea of this vision boarding workshop sound like fun and exactly what you need to start 2022 on track?

If you would love to create a vision board in a more private setting, then why not consider hosting a group of your friends or work colleagues for a fun, yet meaningful, get together? This means that we can better tailor the time, date and workshop inclusions to suit you. Read what Debbie Hatswell had to say about the Visioning Workshop that I ran for her and her friends. Contact Natalia so we can discuss your particular needs.
And vision boards are not just for women or creative and ‘artistic’ types. And vision boards are not just for women or ‘artistic’ types. They’re perfect for people who are visual thinkers, makers, crafts people, hands-on problem solvers, holistic practitioners, or anyone who needs an alternative to traditional goal-setting approaches.

This is what Bruno Fetiveau from Kuhn Farm Machinery had to say about his experience as a vision boarding party guest.
[The most enjoyable or rewarding part was] the conviviality. No judgment. The chance to share with others without pressure. The fun associated with cutting and ripping up magazines.
[I will take away and use] the unique and simplistic way to clarify your goals.
It was a lovely experience that I definitely recommend.
I also believe that it has a nice team bonding impact when organized in this relaxing and chill atmosphere we were all in. Natalia’s approach to goal setting is unique and for everyone.
Thanks Bruno. Read what others have had to say about my vision boarding workshops.

“Well planned. well explained, with an emphasis on individuality in a safe environment”
[To someone thinking of working with Natalia] “Go for it! Great way to open up your heart and mind, to reconnect with your inner child. Natalia’s very encouraging; [with] lots of different ways of viewing things.”
Do I need to be artistic or creative to participate?
This workshop is for anyone. You don’t need to worry about being ‘creative’, artistic or having a predetermined vision or direction to get a good result. In any case, I believe that everyone is creative – we just express it in different ways and to different degrees. We can all access different modes of thinking. We just might have a preference, like left or right-handedness. In this workshop, I’ll guide you through an easy process that helps you tap into your more creative and intuitive thinking. I am constantly blown away by what I and others have been able realise through their boards.
Do vision boards work? What results do you get?
I started vision boarding for myself over twenty years ago and have used trial and error based on my own results to tweak the process that I now use in my workshop with others. My vision boards have forecast new business directions, informed my branding and on a personal note, predicted my future home and marriage. When I have checked in with my past clients, they report manifesting all sorts of things from their vision boards, including new cars and houses, weight loss, travel, babies, jobs, and business ideas. As one participant said, their vision board “images have taken form in ways I could not have predicted”. And it’s more than just the stuff, as one past client emailed me: “I got so much joy and insight from the last visioning workshop – I’d be trying hard to get to another.”
My intent is to help vision boarding workshop participants make sure that what goes on their board is in true alignment with what they really desire. That’s why they work. There are no ‘shoulds’ nor others’ expectations in the mix. Participants feel really inspired and motivated when they look at their boards, and hence are more likely to see opportunities that match it and take aligned action. But it also means that to create a successful vision board, participants need the time, space, focus and guidance that I provide them during my workshop.
I’m just starting out my business and still working out what I’m doing. Is this workshop right for me?
This Workshop is perfect for anyone at any stage of business. You can benefit from a clarifying your business vision whether you’re starting out or have 20 years of experience, earn a little or a lot. Otherwise we’re more subject to external forces and the whims of others; can easily waste our efforts working in a random piecemeal approach; or end up working hard without much gain. It’s never too late or too early to take control of your business – it’s your business after all.
I don’t have a business. Do I need to be in business to get much out of it?
The beauty of vision boarding is that you can tailor it to whatever topic or issue that is of interest to you. You can create a general vision for your life (which includes your work, family, relationships, health, lifestyle, travel, etc). Or you can focus on one particular aspect of your life. The choice is yours. And sometimes, it’s nice to arrive with an open mind to see what messages emerge from the creation of your vision board on the day.
I’m really busy right now, can’t it wait until later?
I agree that coming along to this workshop is an investment in your time. But it’s worth it. Once you have a clear vision of where you want to go, then it’s easier to make decisions and not get distracted by the latest shiny new trends. You can sort out and let go of things from your life or business that don’t align well with what you want or that end up making you busy but not productive. The addition of the focus word to the vision boarding process also helps with creating a better focus about the theme that emerges for you during the session.
I’d love to come along but I’m busy that date. When will you be running the next vision boarding workshop?
I don’t run many public vision boarding workshops during the year. The next one will be sometime next year. Unfortunately, that’s a bit late if you’d like to create a vision board that gets you started by 1 January 2022. However, I am available to run a tailored and private vision boarding party for you and up to 9 of your friends at a time and date that suits you (either online or in person depending on government restrictions). This is a great way to catch up with your friends or colleagues in a meaningful and creative way. Contact me so we can discuss your particular needs.
I’ve already created a vision board. Do I really need another?
It depends. If your current vision board continues to inspire you and light you up, then you can wait until another time. However, if there are parts that don’t feel right, you’ve already achieved elements, or you want to dig deeper, then you could benefit from creating a new vision board. This workshop gives you a chance to refocus on what you truly want from this point in time by creating a brand new board. Or you could hone in on one particular area or theme from your earlier board to create a specific board just around that issue. The issue-specific vision board then provides more detailed direction building on from your original board.
Don’t wait for inspiration to hit before taking action. What’s your big vision for 2022?
Create a vision that lets you expand what you think is possible for your future, while also creating the focus and momentum to accomplish what you want.

If this isn’t right for you at the moment, then you’re welcome to sign up to the no obligation Inner Creative visioning inspiration list to find out about all future Inner Creative workshops, as well as receive other planning tips and a free Reflections Workbook to review whichever chapter in life or work that you want to close, so that you can move forward with greater clarity.
Here’s to a much better 2022!