Recently, I was called to make some art.
My heart was weary and I had a mild case of hay fever. So I decided to slow down and tune into my intuition as to what to do next. I got out my sponges and broom, put on an uplifting podcast and started to clean my house. The outer chaos started to feel clean and more spacious, and not surprisingly I was able to hear a small voice inside of me. It started to whisper, “make some art”.
It grew louder and bolder as I continued to clean and clear away my mess. In the end I had no other choice but to follow my inner guidance. I pulled out my old art journal that I started more than five years ago. I wanted something easy so I pulled out some magazines and was inspired to cut circles and make shapes. You can see the final result and its development in the photos below.

In itself there is nothing very exciting or special about what I created. I admit that by creating this page I haven’t saved the world. I haven’t solved any major issues. It might not even be that good to look at.
For me, it’s what this piece of art represents. This art shows me that it is the process of making the art that held the gold.
It was how I felt in making it – the satisfaction, the peace and surrender I felt as I created it and in the moments afterwards. I felt a lot more grounded, less in the chaotic chatter that was in my mind previously. I had a sense of there being more possibilities and opportunities available to me.
Also, after creating it I was impelled to share my art with others on social media. Not because I thought it was magnificent nor for any particular feedback or praise. It was more about saying, “Here I made this. I want to share it with you, and in doing so I’d like to encourage you to do the same.” This piece of art also represented the value of sharing our art, our message and our voice with our family, our friends, and our community.
As I was sitting down to make this art I was listening to the Good Life Project podcast where the host, Jonathan Fields, was interviewing Brené Brown on gratitude, vulnerability and courage. They were talking about the cruelty of some people – the critics – people who are not ‘in the arena’ doing the work, making art, or sharing their unique voice, but still feel they have a right to criticise or put down those brave souls sharing their efforts. Consequently, Brené Brown believed that:
“There are people with amazing gifts, who could make the world an incredible place, who won’t put their work out for that reason. That’s a loss, whether we know what that work is or not, we miss it and grieve it each day. There are songs we need to hear. There are stories that need to be heard. There’s work that needs to be seen. There are ideas that need to be implemented, that we’ll never see or know…”
Brené’s statement struck a chord within me.
Hearing it conjured a vision in my mind of all these people not sharing their gifts with the world for some reason – because they had a fear; or they believed that they or their work wasn’t worthy or important enough to share; or they faced other barriers or excuses, like not having enough time, being too old or too young, that it was too late, or not being experienced enough. (I know because I’ve had these same thoughts and fears too.) What also struck me is that these people didn’t realise the impact they were having on others. They thought that by stifling whatever dream or ambition they had that they were only hurting themselves. But by not sharing their work we have all been denied the magnificence of it and are all poorer for it.
So this is why I had to share my art. Not because it’s any good, but because I want to encourage and show you that it’s ok to share what you make. I also want to say:
Please share your gifts with the world. Please share your art (whatever it is that can be expressed in only the way you can because of your unique perspective and life experience). Please do not deny me, yourself, or the rest of your community any longer. You know that idea or project that you may have already started working on, or that idea you’ve been toying with, rolling over in your mind, or the one that you’re frustrated by, the one that you wish you could do if you only had time – you know the one. I urge you to please make the time to follow through and pick up the pen, the paintbrush, the needle, the shovel, the phone – please make a start and show up to share your gifts and ideas with the world.
For if you don’t, you are denying us your gifts and talents. You are denying us joy, inspiration, stimulus and progress. We are poorer for not having it right now. Don’t worry about it being any good, nor that it has to be momentous and extraordinary. Small is ok. It just needs to come from you. So don’t delay, please be brave and share your gifts.
There is a quote from Martha Graham that sums this up well.

This week I invite you to make a little art – to share your gifts, talents and what you’re good at that brings you joy. It doesn’t have to be anything grand – it doesn’t have to be a painting or sculptural masterpiece, an original novel, song lyric or poem. A singalong in the car, a doodle in the margin of your notebook, an inclusive yet ‘cut to the chase’ agenda, an added garnish to your dinner will suffice. Create something that wasn’t there before and is unique just because it is expressed in the way that only you can. And you don’t need to share it far and wide. Sharing what you’ve done with just one other person can create a ripple effect out into the world.
Please don’t delay sharing your gifts any longer, because we need what you have to offer right now.
So what are you inspired to create? I’d love to know. Please share your plans or results in the comments below or tag me on social media (Instagram @nataliawalker_creative and Facebook @innercreativeconsulting).
The main thing is to go and do the creating. Please do. We all need you to share your gifts. Wishing you luck and joy in making some art and sharing your gifts ❤️
If you are not quite sure of your strengths and gifts,

check out my Uncover Your Strengths resource guide. It features two interview recordings that I’ve given about discovering your strengths, plus access to a free Strengths Workbook (pictured here).
What is the one thing that you’ve been putting off doing for yourself?
What would love to see happen in your future?
Is there a particular project, dream or goal that you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year?
Want to bring this dream to life and finally tick it off your wish list?
This November, I am running a once-off program that will walk you through a process to set a four week goal and keep on track to accomplishing it. It includes a pdf copy of Your Quick Start 4 Week Planner and having access to a private and safe online space where I can support you and other like-hearted souls to work towards one of those whispers in your hearts.
Please note that this program has already run but you can find out more about the Your Fresh Start Planner, which was its foundation.