Welcome to Inner Creative!

Inner Creative is all about empowering you to harness your creativity and inner wisdom, so you can create a life or business that feels more inspired and authentic to you.
Live and work to your fullest potential!

You’re in the right place if doing what you’ve always done just isn’t working for you any more. You want to explore your creative side and be kinder to yourself. And while you might not be all woo woo, you’re tired of living and working like everyone else and want to listen more to your inner voice and live more authentically.

Or maybe you have a team that you’d like to see more motivated and better connected? You’re looking to organise a creative, engaging and meaningful team building experience or group event. Well, you’re also in the right place!

Hi! I’m Natalia Walker. Pleased to meet you! And a special welcome if you’ve come across from reading my regular Wellbeing articles in the Connect and Grow magazine.

Read on to learn how I’d love to support you or check out the ‘Work with me’ tabs.

Natalia Walker Inner Creative
Natalia Walker of Inner Creative ~ Image by Ksenia Belova

What’s holding you back?

  • Are you procrastinating?
  • Feeling overwhelmed or stressed out with everything on your plate?
  • You’ve tried to turn over a new leaf but then your mojo fizzles out so you can’t make your new habit stick?
  • You’ve tried all the things, but still feel stuck and like you’re in ‘Groundhog Day’ repeating the same patterns over again?
  • You wish you had more motivation and worked more to your strengths?
  • You can’t quite pinpoint what it is that’s bothering you but you can’t quite seem to make progress towards what you want.

Do you want to feel more excited, empowered and confident about what you are doing and where you’re headed in life or business?

Image by Amanda Pockett taken during the Mandala Workshop at the Blissful Retreat, Mornington Peninsula

Natalia Walker from Inner Creative offers you

  • Alignment and connection with your inner wisdom and values
  • Clarity of purpose, vision and direction
  • Momentum to overcome procrastination and feeling stuck.

Natalia works with individuals who are visual thinkers, ‘hands on’ problem solvers, and those who long to be more creative (in their work and life), as well as those in business wanting to use a more creative, holistic, and visual planning approach to develop their goals and direction.

Are you ready to get more inspired in your life or business?

Inner Creative Online Sessions

Here are some of the individual sessions that you can book into:

  • 75min Transform Stress and Thinking Patterns using PSYCH-K® (Online Session) to release any stress you’re feeling around a particular goal or situation, and to transform any subconscious limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving what you want, especially when the situation or issue keeps repeating itself in your experience.

  • 1hr 1on1 Breakthrough Brainstorming Session (online) to tackle the task or project that you’re avoiding and procrastinating on. You’ll leave with less stress, a fresh perspective, feeling ‘I’ve got this!’ and knowing exactly what to do next.
  • 3hr 1on1 Strategy & Problem Solving Intensive to creatively explore and address an area of your work or business that feels overwhelming, un-motivating or out of balance in some way. (in person or online)

  • 2hr Private Vision Boarding Session (in person or online) where you’ll end up feeling excited and greater clarity about your next steps after you’ve created a visual representation of your goals for the coming year.

Natalia incorporates her intuitive Mandala Inspiration drawings into her client work. Some designs also available in the Online Shop.

An example of an Intuitive Mandala Inspiration Card available in the online Shop

Want more support?

But don’t want a coach who just adds more stuff to your ‘to do’ list?

Meet Natalia Walker.

Described by one client as ‘Compassionate with insight.’

Natalia Walker Inner Creative
Image by Ksenia Belova

Work one-on-one with Natalia over 3 months as your accountability partner to move towards your goals in way that takes the stress out of your workload, gives you a feeling of greater satisfaction and control, and lets you get more out of life and work.

“I don’t tell you what to do. Rather I listen to what’s important to you and help you find a way forward that works for you, based on your own unique circumstances, strengths and preferences. Wherever possible way we find ways to simplify your workload while making sure that the important things get done and not relegated to the ‘someday’ pile. It’s about finding ways to work smarter and be more mindful and innovative rather than just working harder.”

Find out more here.

Not sure what to choose? Book in for a free chat to work out if we’re a good fit and how I can best help you.

Want to better support your team?

Or get together with your friends and colleagues in a way that builds more meaningful connection through creativity?

LEGO Team Session
Participants after an Inner Creative Strengths Based Team Building Workshop using LEGO® Serious Play

Natalia at Inner Creative offers a wide variety of creative group activities using LEGO® Serious Play, mandala drawing or collage.

Whether it’s to:

  • create a healthy workplace culture through creative and meaningful team building experiences
  • provide a mindful and nurturing experience at your retreat or event
  • connect with your friends in a more creative and meaningful way while having fun and relaxing together.
Vision Boarding Party run by Inner Creative
A group of friends after their Vision Boarding Party with Inner Creative

Natalia offers mindful mandala workshops at retreats and events. It’s Natalia’s happy place to be in a room full of wonderful people getting into a creative flow, willing to have a go and creating something that makes them happy.

Mandalas are an ancient art form of developing patterns and shapes within a circle.  Natalia takes workshop participants through a really accessible, relaxing and creative mandala drawing process.

Here you can see some pictures from Natalia’s previous mandala workshop pics from the

As one Springtime Bliss Retreat participant shared:

“Thank you for organising a perfect ‘day off’ and for creating space to just be loved. The layered approach. Tapping into movement, drawing and sound really helps bringing things to the surface. Definitely recommend!”

If your team, group or organisation is looking for a unique and restorative way to connect at the end of year (or start off the new year), please get in touch with Natalia to chat about booking a mindful mandala drawing session.

And if drawing is not your thing, then consider organising a LEGO® Serious Play session focused on your individual and team strengths.

It’s something fun to do, while bringing people together to share and learn about their strengths. Team building without the eye rolling :-).

As some past Inner Creative Workshop participants have shared:

“I loved how easy it was to talk using LEGO®. We all worked so well together.” 

“It helped me see what others do, and what I contribute.”

“We learned so much about each other and what we all bring to the team.”

Natalia would love to create that ‘happy place’ feeling at your work too!

Want a more visual, creative and right-brained approach to your goal setting?
How about hosting a Vision Boarding workshop or party for your friends or colleagues?

Vision boarding is such a powerful visioning and goal setting tool.

The process involves selecting pictures that we’re drawn to from magazines and then arranging them onto a board. You then use the vision ‘picture’ you create to articulate a more focused vision statement and action steps.

Inner Creative Vision Boarding Party

Creating a vision board is a powerful way to clarify your goals and vision for the future, especially at the start of a new year, financial quarter, or winter solstice. It’s perfect for times end of year gatherings, hens’ parties, networking functions and corporate team building. A vision boarding party gives you and your friends or colleagues a fun and engaging experience while connecting in a memorable and meaningful way.

By using colour, imagery, symbols, and metaphor to make the vision board, we tap into our holistic, big picture, innovative, and intuitive part of our thinking. We then use our linear, logical thinking to articulate this vision and create a focus for our vision and goals.

Creating a vision board is more fun and inspiring than regular goal setting. You also have a motivating visual reminder and focus to help you stay on track throughout the year. Having a vision takes the pain out of decision making and allows you to seize more opportunities, while keeping you on ‘purpose’ and on track to creating the impact and results you’re after.

Natalia guides Vision Boarding workshop participants through an easy process that she has developed and tested for over 20 years.

Inner Creative Vision Boarding Party Jan 2019

Read what Debbie Hatswell had to say about the Visioning Workshop that Natalia ran for Debbie and her friends. 

Inner Creative Vision Boarding Workshop Recommendation 2018

And vision boards are not just for women or creative and ‘artistic’ types. And vision boards are not just for women or ‘artistic’ types. They’re perfect for people who are visual thinkers, makers, crafts people, hands-on problem solvers, holistic practitioners, or anyone who needs an alternative to traditional goal-setting approaches.

This is what Bruno Fetiveau from Kuhn Farm Machinery had to say about his experience as a vision boarding party guest.

[The most enjoyable or rewarding part was] the conviviality. No judgment. The chance to share with others without pressure. The fun associated with cutting and ripping up magazines.

[I will take away and use] the unique and simplistic way to clarify your goals.

It was a lovely experience that I definitely recommend.

I also believe that it has a nice team bonding impact when organized in this relaxing and chilled atmosphere we were all in. Natalia’s approach to goal setting is unique and for everyone.

Email Natalia or book a chat about organising a one of a kind creative experience for you and your friends or team.

Everyone is creative. We just express it in different ways and to different degrees.

Natalia reconnects to her creative side through her Mandala drawing practice.

Natalia Walker of Inner Creative with her mandalas and drawings - Image by Ksenia Belovia
Image by Ksenia Belova

Mandalas are an ancient art form of developing patterns and shapes within a circle. In Sanskrit, mandala generally means ”circle”, and has sometimes been translated as a “container of essence”. Mandalas and circular forms have been used for centuries as part of many different cultural and religious traditions.

Need a little pep up? Want a sign that you’re on the right track? 

Receive a specially created Mandala Inspiration card with an image and message intuitively selected by Natalia for you from her Mandala Inspiration collection; personally delivered to you through the mail. The cards shown below are some examples that she’s sent out already. Natalia picks the perfect mandala for you from her personal collection of over 100 mandala drawings.

All the images and messages are intended to uplift and inspire. A nice way to remember that you’re not on your own, you’re on the right track and that there are others out there wishing you well. 

Order one for yourself or choose this as a gift to cheer up a friend and spread a little more love and joy.

Join the Inner Creative Mandala Inspiration email list for free colouring pages, monthly Mandala Inspiration themes for the month ahead as well as other updates and inspiring images.

ARTICLES, EVENTS and speaking:

Image by Francine Schaepper, FS Studios

Wellbeing Articles in Connect and Grow Magazine by Break Free Consultancy

Connect and Grow Magazine by Break Free Consultancy

It’s an absolute pleasure to be one of the regular contributing authors to Break Free Consultancy’s Connect and Grow Magazine.

Connect and Grow Magazine is written to support people who work in the health and disability sectors, as well as individuals looking to improve their health and wellbeing, understand NDIS, and advance their personal growth. The magazine covers topics such as: Health, Fitness, Wellbeing, NDIS and Neurodiversity.

Each month I write an article about Wellbeing, including issues around self-care, goal setting and developing a healthy mindset.

The magazine is also available for purchase as an EBook or hardcopy for easier reading.

Selected Recorded Events

See the Events tab above for more event recordings.

What’s holding you back from creating the life that you want?– November 2023

Watch Natalia’s presentation at Brava’s Wise Women Wednesday where she helps you:

  • identify what’s been holding you back
  • learn 5 strategies to deal with procrastination
  • discover a way to transform stress and limiting thinking patterns.

Come with a particular area in your work or life that keeps frustrating you and you’d like some more traction on. By the end of the session, you’ll have a clearer path forward.

The Gifts of Creativity – Quiet Warrior Podcast Episode

If you’re looking for permission to get more creative, have more fun, be playful, and follow your joy – this is it!

Listen to the Quiet Warrior Podcast Episode featuring my chat with Serena Low about “The Gifts of Creativity”.

In this podcast, we talk about many things about creativity: the importance of how we see ourselves, tips to help us open up our creativity, and how to create a safe space for us to create and share our efforts.

Click on the image above, the button below or search for it on your favourite podcast app to listen along.

How to be more positive and productive | How to feel better about yourself | Wellbeing at workplace – on Career Care Package 31 August 2020 (Replay available below)

YouTube Career Care Package Natalia Walker Interview Wellbeing at workplace

Watch Natalia talk with with Karalyn Brown and Naishadh Gadani about how to boost your wellbeing and productivity on the Career Care Package Live at https://youtu.be/4IDdUb2mIzM. We discuss all things self-care and run through a Wellbeing Bingo creative exercise for an easy way to incorporate self-care into your workday.

I was so honoured to have been part of the incredible Nicol Heard of Biz Bestie’s International Womens Day video series!!! See the replay below.

Learn from 12 awesome everyday superwomen who are ready to share their superpowers with you to “EMPOWER” you from where you are with the skills you have right now. You can see my video at https://youtu.be/56yJ34Q5tGQ where we talk about “Finding your Strength in Creativity”.

In the interview, I talk about simple ways that you can tap into your creative, intuitive wisdom to understand what your superpower and strengths are.  I got so excited about these questions and exercises, that I put them together in a Workbook for you! You can download a copy of the “What’s Your Superpower?” workbook by signing up here or clicking on the image below.

Inner Creative Superpower Workbook Sign Up

May it help you reveal and uncover your strengths and creative gifts! You can watch all of the fabulous interviews on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQHmIeSHRQ-hzH0kusyKJMA.

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How to kickstart good habits and create long lasting change: An easy and effective way to actually keep your new year’s resolutions or any other big goal

Inner Creative - How to kickstart good habits and create long lasting change blog

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