Mandala Inspiration – Earth and grounding

Welcome to this Mandala Inspiration called “Earth”.

It’s inspired by the Grounding Chakra energy point. This mandala is about connecting to nature and becoming more grounded.

Inner Creative Mandala Inspiration - Earth - Grounding Chakra

Read on to uncover more of this mandala’s message.

The Earth mandala’s message is:

Connect to the ground beneath your feet.
Use its energy to steady and support you
in following your dreams.


This mandala is an invitation to slow down and stay present.
Remember to take things at your own pace.
Become more intentional with your time – you don’t need to do everything or be everywhere.
Be kind and patient with yourself.
Get outside, connect with nature or take out your crystal collection.
Listen to your body and energy levels.

We can ‘ground’ ourselves and bring us back into the present moment in many easy ways. For instance, take a few deep mindful breaths, sip a cool drink of water, do a body scan, splash some water on your face, stretch, or go outside (and if you feel so inclined, take off your shoes and stand in the grass, sand or dirt).

What habits or self-care practices can you introduce or strengthen to give you the support you need?

May this Mandala Inspiration inspire you to find ways to slow down, ground yourself and become more centred and peaceful in how you go about your day.

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Curious about mandalas?

Mandalas are an ancient and sacred art form that involve creating patterns and shapes within a circle.

Mandalas have been around for centuries. They have been used in various cultures and traditions (ranging from Tibetan Buddhist sand mandalas, Native American medicine wheels, and rose stained glass windows in Gothic cathedrals). Psychiatrist Carl Jung also used mandalas with his patients, after he discovered that drawing within a circle could be used as a tool for self-expression.

There is power when you create a mandala with an underlying intention.

The act of sitting down and drawing a mandala also creates an opportunity to be still and totally absorbed in the task at hand. Drawing a mandala can be relaxing and form part of mindfulness practice. Its calming effect can ground and centre us. It can also provide us with a tool for self-expression and reflection.

Mandalas can also be used as part of a meditation practice.

You use the mandala to settle your mind and provide a focus point for your eyes to rest on during your mediation. Whenever your mind gets distracted, bring back your focus to the mandala. For more information on how to mediate on a mandala.

There are so many layers of meaning behind each Mandala Inspiration. So, I incorporate my Mandala Inspirations in my PSYCH-K® belief change sessions. They’re sometimes used as part of the special messages protocol to reveal messages about a particular issue, situation or repeating pattern. I also intuitively pick a mandala from my collection for each individual booked into 3 month Clarity and Accountability Packages, and send it out as a physical print to them. The mandala print provides an overarching theme to support them through the month ahead.

Looking for more Inner Creative mandala inspiration?

Then head over to previous Mandala Inspirations (see some more links below) and the Mandala Play Adventure series where I created a different mandala each day from the same colouring page for 30 days. Or sign up here for the special Mandala Inspiration Inner Creative mailing list to get a different one each month.

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