On regret… (as inspired by Lucille Ball)

This morning the following Lucille Ball quote came into my inbox. And it got me thinking about regret…

Inner Creative Blog - "On regret..." innercreative.com.au

I try to live my life without regret.
This might mean speaking up to ask a question. Drawing a line in the sand and taking a stand for something I believe in. Accepting an invitation even when I’m nervous about going. Sharing an image online of something I’ve created. Giving my kids a kiss at the school gate. Having a hard discussion to clear the air. Asking for something. The list is endless.
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The Creative Life of Rosie Shilo – Virtually Yours

Welcome to another instalment of “The Creative Life”!
This interview series aims to shine a spotlight on how business owners incorporate their creativity across all aspects of their life, and give some ‘behind the scenes’ insight into how they started and plan for their business.

So this month I’d like to introduce you to Rosie Shilo of Virtually YoursShe is the owner of one of Australia’s most popular Virtual Assistant Networks, Virtually Yours, which was established in 2004 when she was 25 years old.

Inner Creative Blog - The Creative Life of Rosie Shilo. www.innercreative.com.au Image: Virtually Yours

Image: Virtually Yours

I was really impressed by Rosie’s ‘can do’, grounded and trusting attitude that she brings to her creativity and business. But now I’ll let Rosie do the rest of the talking :-). Continue reading

Harnessing Your Characteristics for Creativity

A little while ago, I wrote a blog called Discover the Magic Formula to Creativity about finding a key to filter which creative tips and tools are right for you.


It all boils down to one thing: YOU. 
 Inner Creative- Harness Your Characteristics for Creativity - sign up for your free eBook download - innercreative.com.au
For example:
  • Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  • Do you like to work in big blocks of time or in short bursts?
  • Do you like to get ‘hands on’ when you’re thinking?
  • Or do you need to see things written up first?
The more you understand yourself, your nature, work patterns, priorities, and habits, the easier it is to harness these qualities to bring more creativity into your work and life.

We’re also more likely to be creative when we’re relaxed and being ourselves. 

Great! You might say. I understand that I’m a morning person who likes to get hands on in my projects and prefer to work in short bursts of activity. How’s that going to help me be more creative?

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What does creativity really give you?

Creativity is within all of us.

It’s in how we express ourselves, our ideas and how we do things. We use our creativity when we pick out what to wear in the morning, what we use our lunch break, how we talk with our colleagues or friends, and solve any issues that arise.

The problem is not that we don’t have creativity. It’s that we mightn’t be used to tapping into it, and if we do we mightn’t have the confidence to truly express ourselves or our ideas.

Inner Creative Blog - What does creativity really give you? innercreative.com.au

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