When you’re tired of pushing yourself to get things done

May I introduce you to Stick.

Stick has been a longstanding companion of mine. He’s been there with me through tough times when I really didn’t want to do things on my ‘to do’ list but did them anyway, the late nighters working to meet a deadline, and making sure that I delivered on all of my promises (even if they may have been unrealistic). He’s also been there shifting the goal posts, reminding me that failure or saying ‘no’ is never an option, and telling me what I do is never enough– that I should be doing more, doing better. Stick’s been pushing me through thick and thin.

Inner Creative blog - When you're tired of pushing yourself to get things done

*Interesting when I created the above image for this blog I made a Freudian slip on the blog title – but decided to keep it because sometimes that’s a better reflection of how I treat myself 🙁 


I know that Stick means well, but I’m getting a bit tired of Stick. In fact, I’m finding Stick’s powers are starting to wane. Stick doesn’t motivate me so well any more. It’s hard to keep getting beaten when you’re already lying on the ground.


So I’ve decided to say goodbye to Stick.

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A question to help with finishing what you’ve started

Do you love the thrill of starting something new? But what’s it like for you a week or month later? Over time the enthusiasm can wear off, our motivation starts to wane, and we find ourselves staring at a looming deadline or commitment that seems insurmountable. We reach the tough, messy middle. Then, as one of my lovely readers has commented, “It’s the Finishing that can get lost.


There are many things we can do to help us cross the finish line. Here is one question that can help us, whether we’re at the start or towards the end of a project, to get us back on track to finishing.


Inner Creative Blog - A question to help with finishing what you've started

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Increase your productivity with this surprising method – Forgiveness

Previously, I’ve talked about the power of starting again, no matter where you are in the timeline of your project or goal. It’s a very simple idea. Show up and start by taking the first step whatever that may be.


That’s all very well when you’re feeling enthusiastic and pumped. But what about if you’re feeling unmotivated, overwhelmed or procrastinating big time? You might intellectually know that you need to start doing something, but you really don’t feel like it.

Inner Creative Blog Increase your productivity with this surprising method

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How many times can you start over?

Inner Creative blog How many times can you start over?
Sometimes starting can be easy.


I love starting out on a new project. It can be exiting and fun. In fact, so fun, that it’s easy to get caught up in doing all the dreaming, planning and researching that the ‘doing’ part falls to the wayside until another new idea catches our attention. Shiny New Object Syndrome, anyone? 🙂 But as I’ve recently discovered, it’s the willingness to start again that is so important when the going gets tough.

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The Creative Life of Alli Price – Motivating Mum

Welcome to this month’s instalment of The Creative Life interview series!
Each month shines a spotlight on how business owners incorporate their creativity across all aspects of their life, and gives some ‘behind the scenes’ insight into how they started and plan for their business.

This month I’d like to introduce you to Alli Price of Motivating Mum.

Alli Price runs Motivating Mum and is passionate about helping mums in business, or those starting out, achieve their business dreams. She offers inspiration and education through monthly Biz Mums Clubs, mentoring and affordable business services. Alli also runs an annual Awards and Conference and a charity event, Mummy Mentoring Festival.

Alli Price featured in Inner Creative blog The Creative Life of Alli Price. innercreative.com.au. Image: Kyra Ann Photography

Alli Price of Motivating Mum with her girls. Image: Kyra Ann Photography

It was so inspiring to speak to Alli about how much she loves her business and how creativity is such a fundamental part of running her business. She has a such a grounded down-to-earth attitude to it all, yet still manages to bring a sense of play and fun to everything she touches.

This interview is like having your own private biz mentoring session with Alli. So keep on reading to learn about:

  • How it’s always easier to find the time to do things that you are most passionate about
  • Finding a balance between work, kids and running the house
  • Working out what your customers want to make money
  • What to do when your ideas don’t work or when you get stuck
  • The big mistake that Alli sees people making in their business and the part that fear can play in it
  • And what Alli really thinks about mistakes.

So sit back and enjoy… Continue reading