Do you have a plan? Or are you a ‘fly by the seat of your pants’ type person?
It doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s working for you.
This Planning and Reflection Resource Guide is for you if you:
- keep creating plans but don’t stick to them or
- don’t have a plan but wish you did.
Firstly, there are two very simple ingredients that you need in order to achieve what you want.
Read this 2 Ingredients Blog to discover what they are, including three ways to support yourself in reaching your goals.

What happens when the world around you keeps changing? Is it worth even making a plan?
Read this blog about the 4M Planning Framework that I developed to help you create a plan that’s flexible enough to handle changes and uncertainty

What to do when you don’t stick to the plans that you’re creating?
Firstly, ask yourself if it’s the right goal for you. If it doesn’t feel right, then willpower will only get you so far. Make sure that the goal is meaningful and makes you feel excited.
If the goal that feels true, but you don’t get around to taking action towards it check out my Procrastination Resource Guide.
Also, check out the following blogs and video interview on how to create habits. While they’re focus is on creative projects, many of the suggestions are still relevant for any type of habit that you’re trying to create.

How can Natalia Walker from Inner Creative help you to create goals that are motivating and meaningful, and then help you reach them?
- Free Reflections Tool
- Clarity and Accountability Support Package
Free Reflections Workbook
Before you start moving forward it’s always good to reflect on where you have been.
I created the Reflections Workbook to help with just that.

The prompts and questions are designed to help you think about:
- the highlights and lowlights of the past year
- what worked and what didn’t
- what you want to say good bye to
- what you’re grateful for.
I will be sending out the Reflections Workbook as a gift to everyone on my Inner Creative mailing list by early January.
Clarity and Accountability Support Package

Over 3 months, Natalia can be your accountability partner to support you in moving towards your goals without feeling the need to force yourself or ‘shoulding’ on yourself.
Our sessions are based around creative tools, like LEGO®, drawing and journalling, to help you tap into your own inner wisdom and see solutions from a different perspective.
Natalia won’t tell you what to do. In fact, she’ll help you assess your workload so that you can prioritise what’s important and let go of what’s not. We look at batching, scheduling and setting boundaries too.
Plus you’ll have access to PSYCH-K® belief change sessions and other supportive tools, as well a personally selected Mandala Inspiration that speaks to your situation and acts as a touchstone as you move through each month. Learn more about what’s included in the Clarity and Accountability Package or book a free 20 minute Getting to Know You chat to find out more and see if it’s right for you.
5. Still got questions?
If you’re wondering what solution would work best for you, book in for a free 20 minute consultation with Natalia.
We can then chat about your situation and desires for the future, and work out which approach is right for you.
More about Natalia Walker of Inner Creative

I must confess, I used to be a stationary junkie. Kikki.K was once one of my favourite places to shop. To do list pads, journals, diaries, notebooks, you name it. I was weak against the promise of any new bright and shiny organisational system. Trello, Asana. I’ve tried many of them. My goodness! I even did a Masters in planning and made a living working in strategic planning.
So, I know a few things about planning, setting goals and drafting up an action plan.
I also know what it’s like to run oneself ragged doing all the things. I’m a recovering perfectionist, Type A personality and once serial procrastinator. I used to set smart goals and worked really hard to make things happen. But no matter what I achieved, nothing was ever good enough. Failure or saying ‘no’ was never an option.
I put myself at the bottom of the list. I had no time for creative pursuits nor activities that filled my tank. I was exhausted and overwhelmed.
I was out of touch with my own dreams and desires. I got into the habit of over-riding my hunches and gut feelings. My ‘to do’ list was full of busywork and tasks based on others’ expectations. Never questioning, ‘Why?’ nor reflecting on whether the task or project was aligned with my own values or goals.
I kept shifting the goal posts on myself, demanding more. My self-talk ticker tape was on constant repeat that I should be doing more, doing better. And then after a series of major life events, I got tired of living and working this way.
I now use a kinder and gentler approach to getting things done. I make sure to be clear about my intentions first so that I’m already vetting what gets onto my ‘to do’ list. I use my 20 years of strategic planning experience in a way that capitalises on my visual and kinaesthetic thinking strengths. For instance, my planner now has lots of colour to help me organise and process information, and keep things interesting.
I have learnt a lot about creating new habits and making time for creative hobbies, particularly through my mandala art practice. I know most of the tricks that we can play to avoid a task, because I’ve been there too :-). My experience, backed by research, has informed the creation of my Procrastination Buster Handbook and accountability services.
Drawing mandalas is no longer just a side hobby. It’s become an integral part of my business. I now offer Intuitive Mandala Inspiration Card Picks to give uplifting messages and inspiration to others. Mandalas also feature in my Clarity and Accountability Support Package, where my clients receive a small Mandala Inspiration print or card with a theme and message that’s personally selected to support them each month.

I also trust my own body and energy levels to guide me on what to do next. Because funnily enough when I do things that I enjoy and make me feel better, I do better. Self-care is not just something that I pay lip service to any more (especially after the recent years we’ve had). I have learnt that when I fill up my tank I have more to give to my business, my clients and others.
I’d love to support you to reconnect with your inner desires and to overcome any procrastination or resistance that’s holding you back from achieving what you want. Let’s see how you can create a life and work practice that feels more like you, plays to your strengths and supports your values and lifestyle.
Want to get to know me a little better?
Fair enough :-). Sign up for weekly Inspiration to support you in living a life that’s more aligned with who you truly are and what you really want.