At its core, self-care is about caring for ourselves by doing activities and practices that reduce our stress levels and improve our wellbeing.
It is not indulgent nor selfish. In fact, it’s essential if we want to feel happy, productive and be of service to others. We can’t give if we don’t have the resources to draw upon.
Here are some resources relating to self-care and kindness.
Please return to this page as its content will be updated over time.

How can Natalia Walker from Inner Creative help you to improve your self-care?
1. Join Inner Creative’s Cup of Kindness 21 Day Experiment.
Sign up to receive your free Workbook, colouring-in progress tracker and
Mandala Kindness card printable shown below.

2. Receive a Personalised and Inspirational Message of Hope
Need a little pep up? Want a sign that you’re on the right track?
Receive a specially created Mandala Inspiration card with an image and message intuitively selected by Natalia for you from her Mandala Inspiration collection; personally delivered to you through the mail. Here you can see some examples.

All images and messages are intended to uplift and inspire. A nice way to remember that you’re not on your own, you’re on the right track and that there are others out there wishing you well.
Order one for yourself or choose this as a gift to cheer up a friend and spread a little more love and joy.
Learn more about the Happy Hearts Care range too.
3. Book a 1on1 session to support your self-care goals and remove any limiting beliefs or self-sabotages
Do you never seem to put yourself first? Is it hard to for you to set boundaries with other people? Are you saying ‘Yes’ to things then regretting it later?
Natalia can help you unpick the subconscious limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck during an 75min online session to Transform Stress and Thinking Patterns using PSYCH-K®.

PSYCH-K® is a simple, effective and proven process designed to transform the subconscious beliefs and thinking patterns that are holding you back from reaching your desires. It’s a process that uses left and right brain integration techniques to create a more relaxed ‘Whole-Brain’ state around your desired belief or situation. As a result, it’s easier for you to take actions that support your desired belief without stress nor self-sabotage and be able to see a noticeable change in your work or life.
PSYCH-K® can support your self-care by addressing these issues:
- stop self-sabotaging behaviours and relapse situations
- create and strengthen new habits e.g. around sleep, eating and exercise
- reduce stress and anxiety
- have a more positive body image
- manage your time better and feel less busy
- overcome procrastination and task avoidance
- get better at following through on your goals and promises to yourself

Consider booking into the PSYCH-K® Transformation Package to resolve any deep seated or long standing negative patterns and behaviours. It includes 3 x 75min online PSYCH-K® Belief Change Sessions as well as three Intuitive Mandala Inspiration cards. Over 3 months, you can use these sessions to deep dive and peel away the stress related to a complex issue or book in for a regular ‘tune up’ session to address whatever issue’s most pressing at the time.
Clarity and Accountability Package

Over 3 months, Natalia can be your accountability partner to support you in moving towards your goals without feeling the need to force yourself, feeling guilty or ‘shoulding’ on yourself.
Our sessions are based around creative tools, like LEGO®, drawing and journalling, to help you tap into your own inner wisdom and see solutions from a different perspective.
Natalia won’t tell you what to do. In fact, she’ll help you assess your situation and workload so that you can prioritise what’s important and let go of what’s not. We look at making space in your calendar and setting boundaries too.
Plus you’ll have access to PSYCH-K® belief change sessions and other supportive tools, as well a personally selected Mandala Inspiration that speaks to your situation and acts as a touchstone as you move through each month. Learn more about what’s included in the Clarity and Accountability Package or book a free 20 minute Getting to Know You chat to find out more and see if it’s right for you.
5. Still got questions?

If you’re wondering what solution would work best for you, book in for a free 20 minute consultation with Natalia.
I’d love to be able to get to know more about you and see how I can help you. We can then chat about your situation and desires for the future, and work out which approach is right for you.