Overcome procrastination and resistance

Do you ever wonder why doing the thing that you most want to do is fraught with obstacles or inner resistance?

Inner Creative Blog - Overcome Procrastination and Resistance

The other week I listened to Oprah’s interview with Steven Pressfield (on the Super Soul Conversions Podcast –these videos give a taste of their conversation). It reminded me of some basic truths about resistance and procrastination: Continue reading

A question to help with finishing what you’ve started

Do you love the thrill of starting something new? But what’s it like for you a week or month later? Over time the enthusiasm can wear off, our motivation starts to wane, and we find ourselves staring at a looming deadline or commitment that seems insurmountable. We reach the tough, messy middle. Then, as one of my lovely readers has commented, “It’s the Finishing that can get lost.


There are many things we can do to help us cross the finish line. Here is one question that can help us, whether we’re at the start or towards the end of a project, to get us back on track to finishing.


Inner Creative Blog - A question to help with finishing what you've started

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Increase your productivity with this surprising method – Forgiveness

Previously, I’ve talked about the power of starting again, no matter where you are in the timeline of your project or goal. It’s a very simple idea. Show up and start by taking the first step whatever that may be.


That’s all very well when you’re feeling enthusiastic and pumped. But what about if you’re feeling unmotivated, overwhelmed or procrastinating big time? You might intellectually know that you need to start doing something, but you really don’t feel like it.

Inner Creative Blog Increase your productivity with this surprising method

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