Three Simple Tips to Make Time for Creativity

Making time for creativity can be hard. Despite our best intentions our creative dreams and projects can fall to the wayside. Life happens. We get busy. Life can race by. And all of a sudden we turn around and we haven’t done what we meant to do.

Inner Creative Blog - 3 Simple Tips to Make Time for Creativity.

So here are three simple tips that you can use to make more time for creativity in your life. Continue reading

What does creativity really give you?

Creativity is within all of us.

It’s in how we express ourselves, our ideas and how we do things. We use our creativity when we pick out what to wear in the morning, what we use our lunch break, how we talk with our colleagues or friends, and solve any issues that arise.

The problem is not that we don’t have creativity. It’s that we mightn’t be used to tapping into it, and if we do we mightn’t have the confidence to truly express ourselves or our ideas.

Inner Creative Blog - What does creativity really give you?

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Creativity tips – 10 tips to make your dream happen

Go for it – Dream big! No dream or aspiration is too crazy, as long as it rings true to you. However, you need to take some action to make it happen.

So here are 10 tips that you can use to start moving towards your dream, or when you need to pick yourself up if your motivation’s running a bit low. Once you get a little traction and begin to make some progress, then it’s easier to keep up the momentum.

Inner Creative Blog 10 Tips to make your dream happen.

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Having the right mindset for creativity

The act of creation is not just a physical activity. The mindset and attitudes that you bring to the task play a big role in your creativity. As I have said before, you are more likely to be creative when you are feeling joyful, focused and relaxed, as opposed to when you are feeling tired, anxious, and stuck.

Inner Creative Blog on Having the Right Mindset for Creativity -

When I run a creativity class it is my duty to create a safe environment, not only physically, but where everyone feels free to explore different ideas, try new things, and express themselves. So in my class introduction, I set the tone by asking participants to keep some principles back of mind as they do the class activities. Continue reading