How to create a vision board that works

Have you heard of making a vision board before?

Inner Creative Blog - How to create a vision board that works -

If you’re looking for instructions on how to create a vision board where you slap a picture of a car onto a piece of paper, hang it onto your wall, and then cross yourfingers that this car will magically drive into your driveway the next day, then this this blog is not for you.

On the other hand, read on if you’re interested in learning how you can use magazine images and collage to tap into your creativity and intuition to create a vision for your life or business that helps you: 
  • claim what you want from life or business
  • shape your direction and goals
  • smile and make your heart sing
  • fuel your motivation and remind you of where you want to go.
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Creativity tool – Go random to do your problem solving

Are you stuck for ideas at work? Or have a problem you need to solve?
The easiest way to get inspiration for new ideas is to give our brain some new inputs and stimulation.* 
So go out and expose yourself to different places, people and things. And remember that you can take in this new information through any of your five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.

You can also create new ideas by combining old ideas in a new or random way.

One of my common approaches is to use metaphors and analogies to see a problem or situation from a different perspective.

Inner Creative Blog -Creativity tool - Be random to do your problem solving - Image: Paul Skorupskas

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How it all started – and the power of a picture

Yesterday I received an email from a friend who had been to a personal development course where they did some collage. Nicely enough it made her think of me :-). She was so blown away by the experience. Collage gave her the opportunity to work on some tricky issues in a pictorial way and be able to express something that language couldn’t. 

And this is why I love what I do.

It might be fun and differentbut the real reason that I love collage, drawing, and LEGO is that it bypasses your language and logical brain to tap into your subconscious and more expansive, intuitive thinking to answer whatever issue or question you need to solve.

It helps you see something from a totally different point of view, and opens up so many more possible solutions and approaches than if you took a ‘1 + 1 =’ linear approach.

Inner Creative Blog -The Power of a Picture.

The passion that I heard from my friend reverberated through my mind. It took me down memory lane back to my first experience in using drawing as a thinking tool.

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Are you using the right thinking tool for your job or business?

Do you find it hard sometimes to come up with lots of ideas?

The issue might not be about your ability to be creative or develop new ideas, but with the approach that you’re using to get these ideas. Picking the right thinking tool is so important to getting the best result.

Inner Creative Blog - Are you using the right thinking tool for your job?

Imagine you have a nail that you want to knock into the wall. Continue reading

Getting something extraordinary OR “How to avoid only finding the obvious solution by using conventional problem solving techniques”

Has there been a time when you know you want something different, but you don’t know exactly what it is?

Or you want to solve a problem, but you know you won’t get a different result if you use the same approach you’ve always taken?

Basically, instead of boring and ordinary – you want different.
You want something extraordinary.

Inner Creative Blog on Getting something extraordinary OR How to avoid only getting the obvious solutions by using conventional problem solving techniques.

These are the same expectations that I bring to my own work.
For instance, as an entrepreneur, I grapple with how I define success for myself (there’s no performance review checklist that’s already been created for me by ‘the powers that be’).​

So using a conventional, logical way of creating my definition of success, I’d sit down with my beverage of choice and list all the ways that I measure success and answer “How do I know that I’m successful?” But instead I decided to do this… ​ Continue reading