What does creativity really give you?

Creativity is within all of us.

It’s in how we express ourselves, our ideas and how we do things. We use our creativity when we pick out what to wear in the morning, what we use our lunch break, how we talk with our colleagues or friends, and solve any issues that arise.

The problem is not that we don’t have creativity. It’s that we mightn’t be used to tapping into it, and if we do we mightn’t have the confidence to truly express ourselves or our ideas.

Inner Creative Blog - What does creativity really give you? innercreative.com.au

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Creativity tips – Finding your joy

Have you lost your creative spark or mojo? Do you feel like the past week, month, or even year, feels like a blur? Does it all feel a little routine?

It’s so easy to get caught up in our day-to-day routine that we forget to find the joy. We lose our spark; that zest. And it’s especially tricky when you’re relying on your creativity to make a living or produce those exceptional results at work.

Connecting with our joy is one of the easiest way to get into a creative flow. 

Inner Creative Blog - Finding your joy - innercreative.com.au

Here are three easy ways that you can find your joy again:

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Discover the magic formula to creativity

People often ask me for the secret to being more creative, whether it’s for their life or in business. Unfortunately, there’s no one magic formula for creativity that’s going to work for everyone. However, there is a key we can use to filter out which creativity techniques are going to bring us each success.

Inner Creative Blog Discover the Magic Formula to Creativity. innercreative.com.au

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Getting something extraordinary OR “How to avoid only finding the obvious solution by using conventional problem solving techniques”

Has there been a time when you know you want something different, but you don’t know exactly what it is?

Or you want to solve a problem, but you know you won’t get a different result if you use the same approach you’ve always taken?

Basically, instead of boring and ordinary – you want different.
You want something extraordinary.

Inner Creative Blog on Getting something extraordinary OR How to avoid only getting the obvious solutions by using conventional problem solving techniques. innercreative.com.au

These are the same expectations that I bring to my own work.
For instance, as an entrepreneur, I grapple with how I define success for myself (there’s no performance review checklist that’s already been created for me by ‘the powers that be’).​

So using a conventional, logical way of creating my definition of success, I’d sit down with my beverage of choice and list all the ways that I measure success and answer “How do I know that I’m successful?” But instead I decided to do this… ​ Continue reading

Get a hobby to be more creative at work

Hobby painting in art journal www.innercreative.com.ai

Inner Creative’s Natalia enjoys painting in her art  journal as a hobby

So what do you do when you get home from work? Do you plonk yourself in front of the TV to zone out? Or do you carve out some time to spend on a hobby?

Any regular activity that you do for fun is considered to be a hobby. It can include such a wide range of activities, such as drawing, playing an instrument, learning a language, playing on an indoor cricket team, gardening, knitting, baking up a storm in the kitchen, or tinkering on your bike. According to conventional wisdom, hobbies are good for taking a break from our everyday pressures and releasing stress. They can also provide an opportunity for self-expression and creativity. And if you join a club or class, hobbies can provide a chance to meet new people and be social. Continue reading